Some updates for everyone. New website has been updated: jadeprotocol.

27 Apr 2022, 17:14
Some updates for everyone! 1. New website has been updated: All the supply numbers are updated and treasury numbers will be updated monthly until we have finished the treasury dashboard APIs! 2. Bridge from BSC to Avalanche is also live: 3. There is no need to bridge at this time since the staking contract has not been deployed on Avalanche, but if you want to test it out, you may! 4. FMV formula was updated, check out the GitBook for more info on that. 5. Avalanche bonding event is likely to start in 1-2 weeks now that the website updates are done. We will post here again when we are ready. It will last 1 week! 6. Smartcoin NFKeys should be claimable in May, more info from Jon Ray soon. Jade NFKeys still TBA. 7. AMA with Kevin (CEO) in Discord on Friday April 29th @ 12:30pm EST. Please join us there for more info.